Saturday, September 20, 2008

who knew?

who knew that camping could be so much fun! thanks to brian and his generator, i am the only camper with a fan and a 42" LCD flat panel tv :) he also gave us the room air conditioner and we are using that at night (trying to conserve gas) but if it gets too hot, we are not afraid to bust it out during the day! tomorrow is fantasty football friday, and we will have our NFL sunday ticket, our flat panel and our laptops, just like nothing happened, except that if you need to go to the bathroom, you will have to take a flashlight with you! we are not running the fridge on the generator because we dont want to overdo it, plus we just have drinks and luckily we stopped at walgreens today and they had the hottest thing next to gasoline... ICE!

this is something i have never experienced before and i really appreciate everyone checking on us, and offering help. things are definitely not back to normal, and we are not expecting power until thursday, good news is, we are going on vacation on friday :) cancun. should be fun,but it would be nice to have power before then.

have a great sunday everyone!