Saturday, September 13, 2008

almost 1:30

hi gang. almost 1:30 we are having very strong winds and light rain now that gusts sometimes into hard rain. brennen's downtown caught fire we think due to a blown transformer. we have the radio and will stay indoors. it is not near me, but i know that a lot of you are aware of it so i wanted to mention it. the cumulus radio stations are broadcasting the khou tv broadcast, but i am a company girl, so i am listening to KTRH, the houston clear channel flagship, similar to WOAI. gervin is falling asleep sitting next to me, poor little fella, chica is scared of all noises...i should have drugged her. we have no lights still, but jeremy is a computer whiz, so we still have Internet for now. lovely, a new orleans lady is on ktrh right now talking about this compared to katrina, she lives here now. ill keep you updated.