Friday, September 12, 2008

all is dry, but not normal at 1:45

i just got back from dropping my car off at my work parking garage. i wanted food before i have to start cooking for myself, but mcdonalds was closed, so was whataburger... but thank goodness for wendys. on my journey to wendys, i passed the nail salon, still open and people were getting their nails done. one gas station out of gas, two still had gas. i also saw a line of 150 people in the parking lot and had no idea what was going on...i drove by again, and what do you know, a man was selling bags of ice out of his champion ice truck. a 40 pound bag was $6. i am making my own ice, so i did not participate in this line :)

the city of galveston is in trouble. still no rain, but the city streets are flooding and so are the feeder roads. it gets worse by the minute down there. i am still fine here. we are going to leave jeremy's car at his parking garage so we will be with the urban burban :)

in case you are wondering, our power is above ground here, so it is likely that we will be without power, we are charging our cell phones and our laptops. i have a ac adapter that works off of a car battery, so we will go to the car to recharge tomorrow if we need to. i will keep posting with updates, there is just not anything to report in my house other than weird people waiting in line for ice and getting their nails done :)

i am going to tape some windows :)

p.s. austin is going to be dry as a bone, no need to panic. looks like the path for this storm is up i45 to dallas.