Thursday, September 11, 2008

ok, im ready!

ok, i am ready. today i went to target, randall's, sports authority, best buy, and kroger signature. i am done! i have a flashlight, a battery operated lantern. i had to get the last 4 cans of tuna, and they are in oil...not water, yuck! oh well, i have them. i also have bread for pb & j and cheese sandwiches on the gas stove. i also have a case of water in the freezer to act as ice, and a case of water in the fridge and a backup case of water. and i got a flashlight that does not need batteries, it is a wind up with an FM radio, so I can listen to SUNNY 99.1 while I am living through the storm.

i cleaned out our two ice chests, one that jeremy uses for fishing, so it was smelly, but a little ajax, comet and bleach solved that. so those are ready just in case we lose our power and the fridge and freezer go down :(

i also found a HUGE bag of Haribo Gummy Bears, and Nerds. so I am ready to go! i will let you know how things are going. is a great website to see things, there is a weather forum that has a bunch of weather nerds posting things, but it is interesting.

the highways are starting to back up...duh! so my favorite site for that is and click on traffic, it is fun to see the red lines :)

this is a live webcam of a tiki bar in galveston. i love the people "riding it out" i also love the new term here in Houston, it is so Texas... "we are gonna hunker down" what the hell is hunker down. i assume they mean, stay put where you are. really, dad, you should have given us a english to texan dictionary, it was very difficult to live in texas and not be raised by texans, we apparently missed out on a lot of "terms" that we should have known.