Tuesday, September 23, 2008

update from centerpoint

hi all. new update map from centerpoint came out tonight...we are no longer thursday, we are sunday! it keeps moving and that is not good. such a bummer. well, jeremy and i are headed to cancun friday and back on tuesday, so hopefully by the time we get back we will have power and HOT water. i am so disappointed in the city of Houston for allowing all of the outlying areas to get power and the actual city of Houston to now have power. i am turning into a royal bitch about this. sorry :(

if they are going to pass along some kind of charge to users to pay for all of this crap, then they should charge more and put the power lines underground! lets not go two weeks without power and then not make any improvements.

i met a couple of electric people that are from independence MO today and they said that the neighborhood was in a lot worse condition than they expected.