Sunday, September 14, 2008

austin texas here we come!

ok, after we left rovinsky's condo, we went back home to gather our belongings and were headed to our old neighbors because they had water and i think i was starting to smell...although jeremy said i didnt. anyway, the reason we were hanging around was because jeremy had to somehow get back in his building downtown and restart the servers so his company could get emails etc. the building told him 97 times that there was not going to be any access allowed, but the 98th time, he got the security guard who really likes him :) so he took jeremy's cell number and went to check with the building manager and he called back and said that he could get in the building for a little while. so at 7pm jeremy went downtown and by 9pm we were on our way to austin to stay with D (jeremy's sister) we arrived here at 11:30 or so...not sure i was losing my own mind due to my filth, and unloaded our refrigerator and freezer which were now in two coolers into D's running fridge and i took a really HOT shower with REAL water!!! (i did learn how to fill up the tank in the toilet so you can flush it when the water is turned off, i think that makes be a refugee) anyway, we are here, have AC, water and fresh food that is not PB & J and we are happy! still no power at home, but our old neighbors did get their power back so we can stay there when we head back to Houston, until our power comes on...whenever that is going to be. we are very glad to be here and i am beginning to relax, although i slept for the better part of 15 hours now, with a food break. thanks for all of the text messages and kind wishes. and a special thank you to rovinsky for allowing us to repower our cell phones and get our dogs a little AC :) i will let you know when we get power back,
is the link to see the map of Houston as of noon today with service, another update is coming at 8pm.

mark my words, i will never stay through another one again. that was a terrible thing. for those that have not seen the pictures of the house 2 doors down from me, it was something that i will never forget and will not want to be around again. i will try to post some of those pictures soon. they are on jeremy's laptop and i have to get them from him.

thank you and it is really true that we were very lucky, if the trees would have gone the other way, it would have been very bad for us.