Monday, July 12, 2010

Perfectionists- there are levels, which one are you?

Interesting article today on regarding perfectionists. Which type are you? For years perfectionists have been labeled, "OCD", "Type A" and "high-strung". Perfectionists by definition, believe that perfection can and will be obtained, I would like to think that everyone always strives to be the best, the best that they can at everything they do...apparently this is not true?

For years, it has been believed in the psychological community that being a perfectionist is bad, it will hurt the individual mentally and physically, and their family members.Some research has surfaced that being a perfectionist can actually have benefits for some people. Perfectionists will stick with the program typically until they achieve their goal, health and fitness, or for diabetics, following the suggested food program. Most athletes are perfectionists, they have to be, they are required to be committed to their work-out, to their rules, and expect perfection on the field/court from themselves and their teammates (except the Spurs with free throw shooting, no one expects perfection there.) Perfectionism has a down side, in that perfectionists expect others to be striving for perfection in others, and consistently are disappointed in their peers.

More research is being done, but being a perfectionist is not always bad, sometimes it can lead to positive impacts on people's lives.  Here is the link to the article if you want to read more.

As someone who does have some traits of a perfectionist, it is an interesting article to know that other people are trying to control their "perfectionist" ideals and not expect others to be the same, and it is funny to know that others are frustrated by people not doing their best.