Thursday, July 8, 2010

Passion and Enthusiasm

Just watched a million people get their hearts broken all at the same time. LeBron James just made his decision to leave the Cleveland Cavaliers to go play for the  Miami Heat. Immediately upon hearing the news, I felt badly for the fans of the Cavs.  I know what it is like to root for a small market team, that cannot compete when it comes to the splash and cash of the big cities. The best that fans of small market teams can hope for is a little loyalty and a strong conviction to stay in the town where the players have built a home and a family. Thank you David Robinson, Tim Duncan and Manu Ginobili (we will wait and see with Tony Parker.)

LeBron has a passion for winning and a passion for helping others, you could see his excitement when he announced the donation to the Boys & Girls Club at the end of his hour long "Lebronaganza Love Fest." He was extremely uncomfortable making the announcement that he would be taking his talents to South Beach. I truly believe he did not want to hurt the fans of Cleveland that had been so good to him for the last 6 years- but his passion to win overtook his loyalty to his hometown and home state. We will see how much money it cost him to not take the maximum and stay with Cleveland versus earning less and making the move to Miami with Bosh and Dwayne Wade. Although no state sales tax - according to some reports will save him $1 million a year!

Getting back to passion- all professional athletes have a passion, just like all sales people have passion. is it a passion to win, a passion to make a difference, passion to make money, passion to be the best, or a passion to be happy and enjoy life. You cannot always choose your passion, it chooses you, you do choose to follow your passion as it might not always be the easiest route.

Congratulations to LeBron James, may he be following his passion, the passion to win, the passion to be the best, not the passion to be greedy.

LeBron James disappointed millions of people, including some friends, family and co-workers to follow his passion, do you have the guts to follow your passion?