Sunday, October 9, 2011

wood floors are being stripped

work started on the wood floors on thursday. all day was spend drilling out the existing peg holes in the reclaimed flooring with a drill bit, then the guys had to plug each hole that was not originally plugged with a dowel that they cut to size.  that took all day downstairs, upstairs was being sanded, and was done with the rough sand and the fine sand was done on saturday, it looks amazing upstairs. you can never tell it was reclaimed wood- looks just like new wood, except the old wood came in longer strips, our wood is stamped Trammel-- Dubach, LA. 

the downstairs had the dowels put in the holes all day, then rough sanding started saturday.  hopefully the fine sanding will be done monday so we can start staining on tuesday.  the variety in size on the downstairs and wood that is 80 years old makes it a little more challenging for the floor guys, but i know it is going to look amazing when they are done. i am so excited to see it.

we did pick out the stain color, and of course we had to get a custom mix to make sure it went well with all of the other stained pieces in the house, i am very excited to see it. it is 4 parts rosewood, 1 part english chestnut, but it must be put down after they wet the wood so it comes through darker. it is crazy that the same stain put down without wetting the floor and letting it dry first makes it look so much different.

the color on the top left is the same as the color on the bottom with the exception that he wet the floor with water and let it dry, then put down the stain. if i would not have seen him do it yesterday with my own eyes, i would not have believed it.

we are definitely getting there. we are getting a fence this week and then the grading of the lot, so we can put in drainage and sprinkler system. once that is done, we can get a driveway and i wont have to walk through sand (or mud after today's rain) to get to the house.