Saturday, May 7, 2011

FRAMING!!! Framing started yesterday

The guys came Friday to start the framing. A crew of 7 showed up this morning at 7:45 ready to work, and they really got a lot done today, in fact, they were still working as of 20 minutes ago!  it looks like most of the first floor walls are up, and they are securing them and preparing for the I Joists to build a secure second floor. We had a few friends drop by today to look around which is always fun to show the vision coming to life. so excited about the framing because it actually gives a better feel of the size of the rooms etc. We anticipate that framing the entire house will take a week, windows should be ready by Thursday, so as soon as we are ready they will be here in Houston ready for us, Pella windows again in this house. Their local sales guy Roger Biano and his wife Diane are so nice to work with and so excited to help.  

I got an app for my iphone called photosynth and it allows me to do a panoramic view of things, and it is so easy, and free! I am attaching a link that will allow you to view the panoramic view from this morning.  Click and take a look!