Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Memorial Day weekend means Summer Break!

Greetings and welcome back from Memorial Day Weekend. The sign that Summer Break is back. Good things about Summer break, even for those of us that are no longer is that the kids are no longer in school. Traffic on the way to work is typically better, not as many people on the road. Shaved Ice stands, that is a great thing about Summer- a new one just opened up down the street, I love sno-cones. Bad thing, kids are out of school doing fun things, like hanging out by the pool, and we are working...all day long...all week long.

There are a lot of ways to approach the Summer. I try to do something different every day, or at least every other day. Take some time at work, to do something out of the ordinary. Still beneficial to the job, but just not part of the traditional day to day activities. Read a book. I love the Summer reading- whether it is for fun or a "work" type book, either way, it will expand your horizons and make you better at your job, even if it just improves your vocabulary!

I am currently reading Jeffrey Gitomer's Little Teal book of Trust. it is really enlightening personally and professionally. The book that is still in the back of my mind every day, is Mitch Albom's Have a Little Faith. it is a short book, so for those of you who do not like to read, it is an easy one. He is a sports writer for the Detroit Free Press for many years, so even those of you who are sports fans, give this book a shot.

Make a difference this Summer, it will make a difference in you.