Wednesday, June 23, 2010

World Wide Web and World Cup, lots of ideas

For those of you not fortunate enough to work for a company with three TVs on my floor alone at the office, the USA World Cup game today was amazing. Landon Donovan's amazing goal in extra time, was so incredible, almost surreal. Watching with a few of my friends at work, on my way out on to an appointment was so much fun- especially since "The Soccer" is not any of our "first sports." We are all converts because of the World Cup. I watched the World Cup four years ago too, I was in Austria, and to see the German fans go so crazy seemed foreign to me, not just because I was in a foreign country, but because I had never seen a large group of fans so passionate...much more passionate than even the most passionate College fans, sorry LSU fans, the German people are much more rabid.

The power of "The Soccer" is unfathomable. Is it the sport? Is it the patriotism of your country competing?- although this is more passion than the Olympics. Some advertisers already know this, some advertisers are taking advantage of this, many are international companies who understand how much of an  impact Soccer/Fubol has across the world. The advertisers on TV during the broadcast are getting their recognition, and most recent reports are that today, during Landon Donovan's goal, they are researching, but many thoughts are that it was a record for internet traffic.  According to - it overloaded twitter, many had problems getting on ESPN's feed of the game, web traffic spiked to 11.2 million visitors  per minute,  more than the 2008 presidential election.

In advertising, there are always creative ways to introduce your business and product to a new audience. Sometimes you have to think out of the box for new and innovative ways to tell your non-traditional demographic, that you have something to offer, you have something that will improve their life. Sometimes business owners are nervous about investing advertising dollars in something that they have not tried before, well thought out strategy and creative will go a long way- look at the boards around the fields at the World Cup, these advertisers are getting their money's worth.

Monday, June 7, 2010

John Wooden, more than a basketball coach

John Wooden, UCLA's basketball coach, and innovator of basketball techniques passed away this week. All over the world, many former UCLA players are coming forward with their favorite John Wooden stories. I was never lucky enough to meet Coach Wooden, but I have read his quotes and stories about his teachings for several years.

I would like to share a few of my favorites, it is amazing how things he taught his young male basketball players, are relevant for a woman in Advertising Sales. The following are some of his most famous:
 "Be more concerned with your character than your reputation." 
"Don't measure yourself by what you have accomplished but by what you should have accomplished with your ability." 
"Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do."

The John Wooden Pyramid of Success is among one of the most amazing insights into how a person thinks and behaves that I have seen, even with all of the classwork for my degree in Psychology. "Success is peace of mind, which is a direct result of self-satisfaction in knowing you made the effort to do your best to become the best that you are capable of becoming."

His principles are so simple, yet cross over boundaries- for the most talented basketball players in the world, to business owners who want to increase their business, for the young student athletes who just want to be better than their rival school, to the advertising account executive who wants to do the best for the client and make a difference. For Coach Wooden, it was not about his team winning or losing, it was about developing player to be great human beings, very similar to Coach Krzyzewski. These great men realized that their main goal as a college basketball coach, was not just to make some 18-20 year old boys into champions, it was their job to turn these boys into amazing men, and great citizens.

Cheers to Coach Wooden and his amazing insight and for sharing so much with all of us, that stands the test of time. Just remember, living life is the most important thing, don't miss out on life looking for the great things, enjoy all little things as they happen.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Memorial Day weekend means Summer Break!

Greetings and welcome back from Memorial Day Weekend. The sign that Summer Break is back. Good things about Summer break, even for those of us that are no longer is that the kids are no longer in school. Traffic on the way to work is typically better, not as many people on the road. Shaved Ice stands, that is a great thing about Summer- a new one just opened up down the street, I love sno-cones. Bad thing, kids are out of school doing fun things, like hanging out by the pool, and we are working...all day long...all week long.

There are a lot of ways to approach the Summer. I try to do something different every day, or at least every other day. Take some time at work, to do something out of the ordinary. Still beneficial to the job, but just not part of the traditional day to day activities. Read a book. I love the Summer reading- whether it is for fun or a "work" type book, either way, it will expand your horizons and make you better at your job, even if it just improves your vocabulary!

I am currently reading Jeffrey Gitomer's Little Teal book of Trust. it is really enlightening personally and professionally. The book that is still in the back of my mind every day, is Mitch Albom's Have a Little Faith. it is a short book, so for those of you who do not like to read, it is an easy one. He is a sports writer for the Detroit Free Press for many years, so even those of you who are sports fans, give this book a shot.

Make a difference this Summer, it will make a difference in you.