Wednesday, January 26, 2011

The Big New World is here. amazing internet facts

I recently was forwarded an article from my friend Josh Lee, an internet marketing expert in Dallas. It is from and talks about what happened with the internet in 2010. The article has more information that you could possibly want to know, but some of the facts were mind blowing. There were 107 trillion emails sent on the internet in 2010, that is an average of 294 billion per day. The report that 89% are spam! that makes a lot of sense considering all of the hotmail accounts. (just kidding hotmail, but really, who uses hotmail except for your spam emails when you sign up to win something.) There are 255 million websites as of December 2010, 21.4 million were added in 2010 alone, including mine, although not much information there,  it is registered and i do plan on working on it this year!

There is a lot of information on this report that i do not understand, web servers etc, but one thing i do see on the report that makes sense is the 88.8 million are .com, compared to just 13.2 million are .net. .com is still so much sexier than any of the others, and it is a good idea to go and get your .com address before they are all gone.

The number of internet users reported by country is amazing! No surprise, but the increase of 14% of internet users since the previous year is very interesting, i wonder where the ages breakdown for that 14% would be. the younger generation that is born and now using the internet by age 6? there are 825 MILLION internet users in Asia, 475 MILLION in Europe and 266 MILLION in North America. That is a HUGE number of users in Asia, makes North America and the U.S. look small.

Social media is growing by leaps and bounds, 152 million blogs on the internet as tracked by BlogPulse. 25 billion tweets on twitter ad 100 million new accounts added on Twitter in 2010, including @malwais. (yes, another shameless plug). 7.7 million followers of @ladygaga, Lady gaga is Twitter's most followed user! really- Lady Gaga!

70% of Facebook users are located outside the United States and 20 million facebook apps are installed each day!

I know this is a lot of facts, but the information is just amazing to me. I work with companies brainstorming on ways to increase their business using radio and partnering internet and streaming audio, including iheartradio apps and the number of users on the internet is staggering.  You Tube is not something that I spend a lot of time searching, but apparently people do... all day long. Tosh.0 is a program dedicated to funny internet videos, you can even follow him on twitter @danieltosh.  there are 2 billion videos watched per day on You Tube with 35 hours of video uploaded to You Tube every MINUTE!

To sum it up, even if you are an average user, there is so much more on the internet since we all started using it, and no matter how much time you spend on the internet, you will NEVER reach the end of the internet!

My goal for 2011, is to utilize the internet more for my clients and to learn new and creative ways to provide marketing solutions for my clients using these tools that have become so incrementally popular in 2010.