Monday, May 24, 2010

More great news about Houston

Reports this morning out of the Houston Business Journal, from a recent Korn/Ferry International survey show that most executives running global companies are willing to relocate. Overall, 82 percent of global executives from 65 countries said hey would relocate for job purposes.t

In the survey Houston was singled out as a prime location for executives to relocate. "Houston provides the candidates opportunities to direct their career to a higher level in the market that's held relatively steady during the recessions," said Eric Nielsen, managing director of the Houston office of Korn/Ferry. "we are now experiencing strong hiring due to the global strength of the energy/natural resources sector and the Texas regional economy."

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Print Circulation Down Again

Many of my clients have started pulling their money out of print advertising and started to work with SUNNY 99.1 on radio and Internet advertising. The Audit Bureau of Circulation just released figures last Monday that the Houston Chronicle lost 14.2% of its daily circulation and 6.3% of the Sunday circulation in the six-month period ending September 30, 2009, compared to the same six months in 2008.  According the the Houston Business Journal, overall, US newspaper daily circulation at 379 reporting papers lost an average of 3.6 million subscribers, or 10.6% in this same period, falling to about 30.4 million. The Houston Chronicle retained the ninth best daily circulation and seventh best Sunday circulation.  Hardest hit during this period was the San Francisco Chronicle, which lost 25.8% of its daily readership. That is a HUGE amount. Perhaps, because San Francisco is so technology oriented and forward thinking and becoming more GREEN than any other city.

Business owners that have been print focused in the past, should start thinking about ways to increase their share in the market and how their current advertising is working, and perhaps how they can better their mix to increase business. Many purchases begin through research on the Internet, which begs the questions, where is the best place on the Internet for you to be advertising.  Websites that are still targeted, like radio station websites, still have demographics that you can select which fits your product the best.

Invest in your website, make it the absolute best that it can be. This "Internet" thing is not a fad, it is not going anywhere, maximize your business through your website. With an amazing website, you can focus on driving people to your website. Great web domains are key, try to keep your website address simple and focused, easy to remember. the days of people remembering your phone number are over, they just need to remember your website.

Monday, May 3, 2010

proud day

had a fantastic day hanging out with the other Account Executives from Sunny 99l.1 at Sandy's house on Tiki Island. Tonight, of course, I am watching the Spurs vs. Suns game 1 in Phoenix. While the first half was not stellar for the San Antonio Spurs, they have been hanging around and keeping the PHX fans on edge. The Spurs have knocked out the Suns the last 4 times the two teams have met. As a San Antonio Spurs fan from age 3, I am very proud of the Spurs for making such an impression on the Suns fans in Phoenix. They actually have shirts that say BEAT SA, and IT'S R TURN. The pride I feel knowing that another city hates my team, The Spurs, means we have arrived. We are their most hated team... this is quite a compliment. Like Derek Jeter says, If they are booing you, it means you are good. Keep booing the Spurs Phoenix, it is a compliment that this Spurs fan is proud to hear. I hope the Spurs can pull another upset in this season's playoffs, coming from the 7 seed would be truly, AMAZING! (NBA marketing)